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Thank you for your support!


I estimate my personal costs for this journey to be at least $4000, but I will not be taking any funds from the donated amounts (further details at the bottom of this page).


I have also received professional help from designers, photographers and marketers, all from their own goodwill. I would like to be able to provide some compensation for some of these generous individuals.

The estimated costs of these services is over $3000.


To contribute to any of these costs, please make an online deposit to my personal bank account:


Bank name: Bank SA

BSB: 105-078

Account #: 061 221 540

Account name: Tristan O'Brien

Use reference: "1900 Expenses"


Alternatively, you can send money using PayPal, with no fees associated with it.







Thank you so much for your support!


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Itemised Costs (Estimated in Italics):


Garmin InReach Explorer+ Plus - GPS and emergency comms

3 Months Emergency Subscription - needed for the Garmin GPS

iPad 2nd hand - for communication, writing, photo editing

Toolbox - to hold all my things on the stroller!

Pram - retrofitted to be a stroller/buggy


Accomodation - for those nights when I need a shower

Ferry - to get to Tasmania

Motorbike ferry - to get the buggy to Tasmania

4 Share Ferry Bed - to have a rest on the way to Tasmania

Overland track - walking in Tasmania

Tasmania Parks Pass - for entry to parks in Tassie

Misc gear - for equipment that I cannot get donated

Contingency - for unforseen expenses

Website costs




Any amounts donated to my personal costs above the amounts listed above will be reasonably distributed between donations to the project and to those who have assisted the project with their professional expertise (photography, marketing etc.).


















Personal Costs of 1900 Footprints

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