Thanks for your interest in the 1900 Footprints walk!
The purpose of 1900 Footprints is about raising awareness for conservation and the need to maintain our societal and individual connections with nature. I will be raising money for two conservation organisations that take this message to heart by reconstructing habitats and educating the next generation of nature-connected leaders.
From mid-September I will be undertaking an unassisted (i.e. no chase vehicle) walk, aiming to cover one kilometre for every species in Australia listed as threatened by the end of the year; more than 1900 kilometres. I will of course be assisted behind-the-scenes by many generous family members and friends.
Personally it will be a physical and mental challenge, but also an adventure and excellent opportunity to engage with people along the journey to spread the message of 1900 Footprints.
Thank you for your support!