Gear Gear Gear! What will I be packing to help me survive over the 1900 km journey? I've made a start on planning, but I'll need your help!
In preparation of the walk I've been thinking about the things that I will need along the way to get me through. To be honest, it's quite difficult to imagine all the scenarios that might crop up and what gear I will need to be prepare for them, but in that I have been helped enormously by the list given in Deanna Sorenson's book Going the Distance about her 5000 + km crossing of Australia in 1993.
I was put onto that book by ex-Wollangarra staff member Conrad McKee, who completed a similar feat in record time and donated that book to Wollangarra, which is where I was able to read it! Conrad has also been very helpful in getting my plans into shape.
Now their walks were significantly longer than my 1900 km journey, but whether its a 200Â km or 10,000 km the gear is going to look very similar!
What else has proven troublesome is trying to anticipate how all the gear is going to work together, from everything fitting into the trolley, to figuring out if my solar panel is going to charge all my devices, or how I'm going to store food. The struggle continues, so if you have any tips or ideas I'd love to hear them!
This list is exhaustive, so if you like the nitty-gritty details, read on. A few notes though: items in Red or Blue are things that I do not yet have, so if you know a way of sourcing these items, please let me know on the Contact page.
So without further ado, the list thus far: (use the tabs at the bottom to see all the items, list might not be visible on a mobile device).
What have I forgotten? Am I planning on taking too much?Â
Thanks for reading!